Stephen Bairfelt
Richi Turner
Trevor Wilkinson
Bob Qureshi
Ames Holmes
Lucy Booker
Joanne Crow
Rebecca Evans
Shannon Martin
Vicky Harvey
Gemma Jenkins
Freddie Mischievous Terrier

Prevision Research CATI Centre Milton Keynes

Where we came from

Prevision Research can trace its ancestry back to the last century, in the form of fieldwork companies Rameses Group and 2020 Research, both based at our current offices in Bletchley. Prevision was officially launched in 2009, when Martin Walls, ex-Research Manager for HSBC, took over the reins. Under Martin’s guidance, Prevision developed into a (mainly) B2B data gathering specialist, focusing on telephone (CATI) interviews.

Many of our research team (including some interviewers) have been with us from those early years and Prevision has amassed a wealth of experience and expertise on how to effectively conduct research in B2B and other difficult to reach markets.

Business Development

Experienced researchers Trevor Wilkinson and Stephen Bairfelt came on board in 2016, allowing and encouraging Prevision to offer a wider range of research services, including qualitative recruitment, online (CAWI) surveys and research consultancy.

In 2019 Martin decided to retire and industry veteran Bob Qureshi joined the stakeholder and management team, bringing with him a wealth of experience and knowledge of the research industry.

Prevision Research Directors

The research team

Our offices in Bletchley are manned and managed by experienced, dedicated market research professionals, who ensure all respondents are treated with care and respect, delivering output of the highest quality.

The experience we have means that we know how to make things work. Some of our clients know exactly what they need, while others are less sure and look to us to advise on what is the best way to deliver the project. Whatever your preference, we’re always happy to share our expertise and wisdom to get the best possible results.

Prevision Research currently has its own 20-station CATI call centre offering comprehensive, high quality telephone (CATI) interviews. Online surveys are also hosted in-house.

Prevision Research Team